Monday, April 11, 2011

Im back!!!

So I know that I haven't updated in a while but there has been pretty good reason for it........ Im pretty bloody lazy.

Well thats not exactly true, in fact its the exact opposite. Ive been extremely busy volunteering my time to help teach kids English. Im so generous aren't I? So how did this happen? A teacher had a back operation and couldnt walk for about 3 weeks, so I was asked if I could cover for him. It began straight after school until 9 for the past 6 and a half weeks. That means 12 hour work days, and make it at least 13 hours door-to-door. Sure it was difficult at times, but at the end of the day I chose to volunteer because of the personal satisfaction, and it feels so good to see smiles on kids faces. I didnt care that I had no free time during the weeks. All that mattered was the knowledge that I was doing something good, and volunteering has to be good for karma. So, thats why ive been away from the blog for so long. It finished last Thursday..... ahhhhh, it's nice to be able to dinner before 9:30!

I guess I'll just give you a quick run-down of whats happened in my life lately.

  • I passed my 1 year anniversary in Korea on March 29th, so I'm officially in my 2nd year! I will be teaching at the same schools (unless my school get wind of my volunteering) which is a major reason why I want to stay on for another year. I will be making a year in review post soon talking about my favorite and most regrettable moments of the year.

  • I havent felt any earthquakes or seen any tsunamis since they began in Japan. Im safe and sound. Until last week, there hasnt been any noticable effect on the lives of people living in Korea, but that did change. Last week, we were lucky enough to have "radioactive rain" bucket down all-day Thursday. It was a miserable day, and compounded by the fact no one told me it was radioactive until Friday. I went for a run in that rain!! No, I kid, I knew it was supposed to be toxic and against my desires gave in and used an umbrella for the day. Im not sure just how bad the rain was and I guess I wont know for another 20 years or so, or until I start growing new limbs in strange places. But I do know that my umbrella now has large holes in it and my shoes are a different colour. Just to clarify; I didnt drink the rain.
  • Spent a great weekend in Busan with Choi that included staying at a hotel right on the beach that had the following views....... Not to bad for Korea hey?

  • I was also served something during that trip to Busan that i'd never seen before, nor really expected to ever see; ice cream in bread. Now, Korea typically doesn't seem to make bread products that meet my lofty expectations. A loaf of bread is fine, but buns, rolls, and special items using bread always have something wrong with them. Usually it is a confusing usage of sugar. But iv'e never seen anything like this. Its basically a hollwed-out loaf with ice cream and berry puree. Not that great.

  • Also came across this delicious combination of pizza with lettuce the other day. Wasn't too bad actually, but I won't be going out of my way to order it again.

  • I know I always get crap from various Roberts family member for eating foods that Roberts' usually don't eat, but I need to add one more to the list. Im now clinically addicted to banana milk. I have 2 a day without fail. Seriously the best drink ever made. Works really well with Kahlua as well. Get ready for it Macka!

  • Had a really nice weekend as Spring is finally upon us. Went into the castle with Choi and a few bears and soaked in the awesome saturday. Jinju is just looking stunning at the moment. Not a bad place to down a few coldies right here.....

  • Then went to check out the Hadong Cherry Blossom festival on Sunday. Cherry blossoms are the pretty trees with snow white flowers on the that come from Japan, but are plentiful in Korea as well. They are also the trees that makes every Korean and Foreign girls hearts melt, knees shake and give an irrepressible desire to be photographed under, next to, on top of and in. There is seriously a weird attraction/admiration/obsession that girls have with this tree. I guess, chicks just like pretty flowers. Anyway, they only really bloom for 2 weeks, so the window for seeing them is really quite short. Thus, roughly 46 million people (out of 50) go to various Cherry Blossom festivals throughout the land, or so it seems. I think 42 of the 46 million went to the Hadong festival. We had a lazy start to the day, which turned out to be a bad idea. After a train to Hadong, we needed to catch a bus to the site of the festival. This trip usually takes 20 minutes, but for us, took over 2 hours. When we arrived, we ate, and since we were worried about getting a bus back, we only ended up walking around for about 25 minutes, and never actually reached the main site of the festival. So it ended up being a looooong day of travelling, albeit a fun one. Luckily there was plenty of Cherry Blossoms to be seen out of the windows of the bus.

So this is my quick little update. I just wanted to give you a little something to prove to you that I havent succumbed to any earthquakes, choked on my own vomit after drinking too much soju, or thrown myself off a bridge after eating bondeggi. I am alive an well. I know that this was a little disjointed and without much purpose, but better things are to come!!

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