Monday, April 19, 2010

Some things never change

While there are many unique and different aspects of Korea, it doesnt matter if your in Port Macquarie, Australia, or Jinju, South Korea, some things just remain the same. For example;

- If you consume too much alcohol, you get a stinging hangover the next morning. Was hoping there would be some special rule or God/Deity in Korea that prevented this. I cant tell if its the ingredients they put in the terrible, terrible beer over here, or if its the amount of beer drunk, but either way, the effect is still the same. Truth be told its probably a bit of both. Was supposed to play soccer with a few Irish and Poms I met the night before but had to write off the entire day, and its not like it was an early start either.

- The irish accent is still one of the hardest the understand in the English language. I honestly dont know how the little Korean kids understand a single word these guys say. I can barely understand their names.

- Karaoke is the worst form of entertainment and its lead is rapidly growing. At least in Australia you might go a few months or years without hearing other people butcher usually crappy songs, over here, its the no.1 night time activity. I was hoping it would be confined to the Koreans but no, the expats have embraced it openly, bare-shirted and all. I may need to take earmuffs to all future nights out or ill return to Australia with a permanent musical imbalance.

- Boats that are powered by foot pedals remain the undisputed slowest form of transportation on Earth. These things are measured in millimetres per second at best. There was a big bunch of expats in town in the arvo looking for something to do and regrettably we hired a bunch of these pedals boats shaped like ducks or dragons. Thats 90 minutes of my life ill never get back. During that time, I reckon we covered about 200 metres and I was gunning it the whole time. It wasnt even fun hitting other boats they were so slow.

- Views are still bloody awesome. Especially when you bust your gut getting to it. I rode a bike most of the way up the hill that overlooks Jinyangho lake, west of Jinju. I cant remember my body hurting so much. I mercifully ditched the bike when I got to the place where people park there cars and walk up. I wasnt even sure id be able to even walk the remaining few hundred metres but I manned up and got her done. It was a stunning day and the view over the lake was pretty nice. Reminded me of Canada. While I was up on the observation platform, my heart palipitations decreased and I was able to get back down on my bike and not in the back of an ambo.

- If you brew your own alcohol at your home, its probably going to be shit. Found this out when I had dinner at one of my co-teachers' house. She makes her own alcohol out of "mountain berries" which are dark and look like mulberries. It tasted like port I guess, I havent drunk much in my day but it definately wasnt wine. It was pretty darn bad and didnt seem too alcoholic which seemed like a bit of a waste (if your gonna torture yourself at least make it worth it!). She says shes going to bring some with her on the school field trip this Wednesday. I asked if its ok to do that and she said, "We dont give it too the children". I wasnt really asking about the children, Ms Nam.

So yes we have a school field trip on Wednesday and im actually really excited for it (provided its good weather). We are going to Jirisan National Park which is very close. Mt Jiri is the largest mountain on the mainland and we will be going hiking. Hiking is taken pretty seriously over here, but im interested to see how the kids go because they do NO physical activity at all. At school/acadamy all day, less then 20 minutes for lunch (after eating in the cafeteria) and school all weekend. I dont know how any athletes come out of this country, they spend their whole life in front of a blackboard. So, ill be doing that on wednesday, but the forcast in Jinju calls for cold and rainy and in the mountains its usually cold and rainy anyway, so might not be such a great day. Hopefully ill have some photos for you and a positive report on Wednesday.

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