Monday, January 17, 2011

Things I missed about Korea + Update

Just thought i'd quickly fill you in on what's happened over here since my return:

- I bought toilet paper for only the 2nd time since ive been here. Sorry to turn this blog entry into toilet talk only 15 words in, but this fact astonishes me. I bought a 24 pack soon after arriving and its lasted me this long. Incredible. I swear I had to get a new 6 pack everytime I went to Coles, which was twice a week. By the way, ive got 8 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste in reserve so i dont think ill be buying anymore of those before I leave either.

- I played soccer on Sunday for the first time in a while. Couldnt have picked a worse time either - the week since I returned has been beyond freezing, and espcecially the weekend, where it didnt get out of the negatives the entire 48 hours and was -12 at its worst. So, naturally, in that sort of tempting weather, I had an uncontrollable urge to run around outside that I had to submit to. Luckily, it wasnt nearly as bad as I thought it would be once you started to run around. Suprisingly, this wasn't the coldest weather ive played soccer in - that would be in Canada when it started to snow in PE class. Pretty cool.

- On Friday night was an Asian Cup game between Australia and Korea. So naturally, this was probably my biggest night since ive been here. I am a complete sporting diehard, have been stinging to watch any kind sport since I arrived, and put my heart and soul into the only time an Australian sporting team was on Korean TV - World Cup - so when I heard that My country would be playing Korea, I was over the moon. This had the potential for either the greatest night ever, or the worst night ever. Especially for me who is a loudmouth who talks up Australia at any chance and dogs Korea at any chance (I can dog it because I love it), this night could have been a disaster. On the flipside, if Australia did win, I could hold it against every Korean I know, and have an instant comeback to any future insults. I went all out - dressed up, went to a bar where Australians were outnumbered 40 to 1 (With 30 of them Koreans) and started to assert my voice and prescense early. Luckily Koreans are generally pacifists, and im extremely gregarious, likeable and charasmatic, otherwise things could have turned ugly. As it turned out, it wasnt the worst night ever, or the even best night ever, it was......... a night, as the game sadly ended in a draw. I almost wished we lost just so that someone had something to say to the opposition, because the draw just kills all trash talk and fun, which was the entire point of dressing up and acting like a clown in the first place. Hopefully we can do this all over again in the finals......

I dont know wht im meant to be doing in this photo but this is what i was wearing

Again, inspired by my recent trip here are some things I missed about Korea (or things I didnt like about Australia packaged in a different way).....

1. 윤초이
2. Not being served hot chips with every restuarant meal/bistro meal/meal not at my house ( They were good the first time. After the fifth time, not so much. Unimaginative, lazy, and unhealthy side meal)
Not paying $30 for a taxi ride (The most expensive taxi ive taken in Jinju - $6)
4. Kimchi (just kidding)
5. 250 ml cans of coke
6. Coins that dont weigh as as much as the weights at a gym and cause ligament damage to your knees when you walk
7. Korean instant coffee
8. 윤초이
9. Having a computer that doesnt f*** up all the time
10. Goin out for the night, only spending $25 and being completely trashed
11. Having meals at a restuarant being served in 5 mins (you can get a full meal served in the same time it takes for Maccas to make you a special burger)

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