Monday, May 9, 2011

Korean Dating

Im excited about this post because im not gonna be talking about myself too much, unlike my last few posts. The main reason I made this blog was to share some of the funny and interesting moments and situations that I come across, not to wax poetic about Me, Myself and I. Plus I don't really like talking about myself anyway. So here's a little look at the Korean dating culture.

Matching Couple Clothes

I was quick to find out that Matching outfits werent just for people like this;

This is a very, very common practice is Korea, not just a strange activity conducted by super-kooks. Walking around town on a Saturday or Sunday you will definately find couples expressing their love by wearing the same shirt, hat, shoes or pants. Some of the shirts have matching messages or are "connecting". Very, very cheesey. Luckily my girlfriend is a little more "worldly" than the average Korea, has good fashion sense, and understands the terms "lame" and "embarrassing", and as such doesnt want me to wear the Ernie shirt while she wears Bert.


The anniversary's don't go by Months; 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, etc, but rather by days. So, 100 days is a big anniversary, and then 200, 300 and so on. Its the same deal as in Australia; a means to celebrate, give gifts and all that good stuff.

A common 100 day anniversary present is to for the girl to make 100 origami paper planes for the guy. It brings good luck, shows the girl will spend time on you and they think of you when they are making them. Choi, to my surprise and delight, gave me this very gift on our 100 days. A really sweet, unique and memorable present.....

Holidays Designed for Couples

In the West, people (well, guys mainly) like to complain about Valentines Day being too commercial and concocted by companies purely so they can make money. Well, get down on your knees and kiss the ground that you don't live in Korea, because there is a Holiday every month of the year. Yep, on the 14th of each month, there is a special day designed to share with your partner and to deplete the pockets of men. At first glance, you may think that its very sweet and nice that these days exist, because it gives you an excuse to be with your partner, and do something fun or different. But when u look closely, you see that they are either super cheesey and purely made for financial gain.

Here are each of the days and a brief translated (by me!) description, plus my stupid comments:

January - Diary Day: Plan a new Diary! (OK so not actually a couple holiday. I promise the rest are. But still, its a bit strage to have begin a diary day, and more strange to begin it on the 14th of January)
February - Valentines Day: Give chocolates to man and admit your love (Not the same as back home. Purely for the guys) March - White Day: Give candy to girl and admit your love (The opposite of Valentines Day) April - Black Day: People without lovers eat Jajangmyeon (Jajangmyeon = noodles and black bean sauce = sounds bad = tastes really good)

May - Rose Day: Give roses as a gift to the person you love
June - Kiss Day:
Kiss the person you love (One of the better and cheaper days)
July - Silver Day:
Give silver as a gift to the person you love (One of the more expensive days)
August - Green Day: With the person you love go for a walk in the forest together
September - Music Day: With the person you love listen to music together
October - Wine Day: With the person you love drink wine together
November - Movie Day: With the person you love watch a movie together
December - Hug Day: Warmly hug the people you love

aaawwwwww, how sweeet!!